Blair Had No Idea How Many People Would Come to Britain When He Allowed Mass EU Immigration

March 21, 2017

Former British prime minister, Mr. Tony Blair, had disclosed that he was oblivious to the number of individuals who would migrate to Britain when the European Union became larger in 2004.

The former prime minister seemed to fail to get his facts about what occurred in the number of immigrants when he was questioned in a major interview segment to celebrate his new order institute.

He states that the increase in migration to Britain did not occur until after 2008 and also that Britain could only have implemented control for about four years.

In truth, net migration increased in 2004 and the other European Union countries put in place alternative measurements for around seven years.

Tony Blair’s Labor administration accepted to European union’s enlargement and was among a few individuals of government from Europe not to put in place any alternative controls on an unimpeded migration from current members of the union.

Mr. Tony’s interview section was comprised mainly of questions surrounding his disputable record in power about ten years after he left power.

When he was questioned if he was aware the number of persons who migrated to Britain, Mr. Tony replied the anchor man who asked him the question: “Not at all. We had no idea what the figure was.” Mr. Tony also said the enlargement of the European Union in 2004, when around ten countries including Hungary, Lithuania, and Poland joined the Union, was a positive thing for the security and economic development of Britain.

He told reporters: “There was lots of freedom associated with how people migrated in and out of the country instantly.

We could have chosen to put on hold the approval to let people come in here for work or study for up to four years, but we chose not to.

The situation of the economy back in 2004 was an entirely different one. But I make a stand that a lot of the European Union migration did not ensue until after 2008. 

One of the terrible things about Brexit is that we currently find ourselves in a situation where we reason that the expansion of the European Union, by any fraction, was a huge mistake. It is, in fact, a two-party law of both administrations that indeed has had positive impacts on the nation when viewed overall.

The change on free migration in most parts of Europe went on for about seven years until the second quarter of 2011.

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