Malcolm Turnbull to Abolish Work Visas

April 19, 2017

The administration of Malcolm Turnbull, current prime minister of Australia, has targeted the permits issued to international employees and has taken on an approach on migration that seems to favor Australian citizens.

The administration is looking to do away with the much talked about 457 permit scheme and making known a harsher replacement for the program.

Currently, there is two impermanent talented employee shortage permit that is primed to lead to harder tests of English language and harder tests in the employment market.

It would also require that the applicant possesses around two years’ work experience and a mandatory background check. In what seemed like an astute timing on his part, the prime minister of Australia made this announcement a few hours prior to the unveiling of a directive by the president of the United States of America, Donald Trump, that urged firms and Americans alike to purchase products made in the country and to hire locally too.

The order is meant to make it difficult for international employees to secure a work permit in the country, thereby fulfilling one of his campaign promises.

The policies put forward by both leaders would be highly welcomed by the liberals in both nation’s political parties.

In the country of Australia, the number of jobs open for two years and four years permit has been reduced substantially.

There are only 216 job descriptions open for that scheme ranging from a rare commodity trader to fish mongers and cobblers. The previous list had about 651 jobs. Some jobs are still eligible to be applied for under the old permit scheme. “Our intention is to put employments first, to put our citizens first,” the prime minister said. “Our nation is known for migration but in the truth is that citizens of the country must be given higher placing compared with foreign workers.” “Employees of Australian descent must be given greater consideration for jobs in the country, and as such we are scrapping the 457 permit scheme.

It is a system that allows impermanent international employees come into the nation. We are no longer issuing 457 permits for jobs that Australian citizens can do.” Later, during a question and answer segment, the prime minister disclosed that the 457 scheme was no longer needed.

“The previous administration let foreigners come into the country on the 457 permit and work in places like McDonald's. That displaced a lot of Australian and was not to their advantage at all.

When questioned on why the administration took time in getting rid of the scheme, he replied by saying “What matters is that it is being done presently. That is all that matters.”

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